Thursday, June 30, 2011

Siskiyou Out and Back

Ashland Oregon is home to Southern Oregon University and the internationally renowned Oregon Shakespeare Festival. This isn't too surprising to anyone, however what you may not know is that Ashland is becoming the mecca for ultra-running. Ashland is a town with approximately 20,000 people. Some of the most accomplished ultra-runners call it home. On July 8th I am going to take part in the annual Siskiyou Out and Back; one of the premiere events on the Southern Oregon Trail Running calendar.

The Siskiyou Trail stretches from California's Central Valley to Oregon's Willamette Valley; modern-day Interstate 5. The Siskiyou Trail provided the shortest travel path between early settlements in California and Oregon. In California during the gold rush, the people who traveled on this path were called Forty-niners.

Shout out to my favorite forty-niner Michael Singletary!

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Three Sisters Marathon

I am headed to Central Oregon for the weekend to take part in the Three Sisters Marathon. The race starts in Redmond and winds down to Bend. The name of the race seemed odd to me at first until I realized "three sisters" was referencing the mountain range; not the city of Sisters which is just down the road from Redmond and Bend.

The Three Sisters are three volcanic peaks of the Cascade Volcanic Arc and the Cascade Range in Oregon, each of which exceeds 10,000 ft in elevation.

Redmond is located about 144 miles from Portland. The square root of 144 is 12. The unemployment rate in Redmond is 12%. The number of elementary schools in Redmond is 12. And yes, you guessed it, the percentage of households with a single female parent is 12.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Forest Park 50k

Right now I am pretty excited about running 31 miles in Forest Park (the countries largest inner city park). It has been raining all week so the course is going to be a sloppy mess so the running is going to be pretty difficult. The good news is in about a week I am going to be thinking how much fun I had out there.

With any endurance run I just remind myself that you eat an elephant one bite at a time.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Eugene Marathon

For the two people who read this blog (this includes myself) I wanted to let you know that there is a little race called the Eugene Marathon taking place this Sunday. Some might tell you the best part about this event is that the finish line is on Hayward Field. I would argue that the best part of the Eugene Marathon is spotting the Krusteaz Mascot along the course.

Yes, this loveable mascot runs the entire race. Krusteaz is a big sponsor of the event...and as a corporation they take their role very seriously.

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Race for the Roses

What happens when you don't write down what races you have signed up for?

Answer: Your $50 entry fee gets multipled by a factor of 2.

Petretto, Stephen Portland, OR 166 31 M ML 30 To 34 Years Of Age
Petretto, Stephen X Portland, OR 1048 31 M ML 30 To 34 Years Of Age

If you're seeing double it isn't a mistake. I signed up for the Race for the Roses 1/2 marathon twice. The first time I signed up I was awarded a very low bib number (#166) and more recently, after forgetting I had signed up, I was awarded a very high bib number (#1048). I plan to doubly enjoy the race this year.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Shamrock Run

33rd Edition

Sunday, March 13
Waterfront Park -- Downtown Portland
5k, 8k and 15k Races
5k Fitness Walk and 1k Kids Run/Walk

As a UConn basketball fan anything that has an Irish theme makes me cringe (i.e. Notre Dame). The Shamrock Run is well "worth the hurt." Hope you come on down to run. It'll likely rain, but this is Portland, we're used to it.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

43rd Annual Zena Road Runs

Hard to believe the Zena Road Race has been going on for 43 straight years, but it is true.  This race has everything you'll ever need. 

- The entry fee is very low ($7)
- The race is perfect for those who value their sleep (11am start time)
- Plenty of parking for participants (parking on the side of the road everywhere and anywhere along the course)
- The race is all downhill after the first few miles
- Did I mention the fee is only $7. 

How can you beat that?!